Every day we carry around heavy energies created by just living.

Our day to day lives can be intense. Stress at work, happenings around the world, and even trouble within our own families, causes us to have triggered reactions which can physically and emotionally effect us. If this energy is not released, it can remain trapped, and create larger issues such as depression, anxiety, actual pain, and even illness.  

You don’t have to live like this.

 When you have a sore back, you know that a massage can bring you relief. But how can you release the emotional pains that are being bottled up inside you, and over time being built up to something quite possibly much more serious than a sore back? 

I believe that Reiki can help.

 Reiki is an ancient healing process which removes those blockages, and restores your body’s natural energy flow. You’ll feel more relaxed, present, and capable of being your best self. It’s a massage for your soul.  

there are an outstanding number of benefits to Reiki:

accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal

can reduce physical pain

releases stagnate energy

where there has been a physical injury or emotional pain - in time, if left untreated, these blocks could cause illness

relieves stress, anxiety, and depression

releases emotional blockages

clears the mind, improves focus

helps the recipent become “unstuck” and move forward in all aspects of life

promotes harmony and balance in body, mind, and spirit

promotes better sleep

energy healing can help with:

cancer, heartdisease, chronic pain, infertility, crohn’s disease, fatigue syndromes, and so much more

“Heart & Sage gives me the opportunity to help people from all around the world become connected to their best selves!”